
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

2018 Highs, Lows and Lessons Learned

2018 Highs, Lows and Lessons Learned

Overall 2018 was a major year of growth. For myself and for my family. We hit some major milestones and also suffered some devastating loses. As this year comes to a close I wanted to take a moment to reflect back on 2018 and all it gave, took and taught me.


Anniversary and Birthday Trips

After five years of being parents Doug and I hadn’t spent more than a night away from home and our kids. They were just too little for me to enjoy being a plane ride away from them. For our 7th wedding anniversary we decided to change that with a long weekend in Nashville. As scary as it was for me to get on that plane (I madeDoug book us on separate flights) it was ultimately so good for me and us. We had the best time eating great food, shopping, and of course listening to live music. Since that trip was such success we followed it up with another long weekend in Miami this fall for my birthday. It’s amazing what just three kid free nights with no schedule and no responsibility can do for me. I came back ready to jump right back into the mom race.



Over spring break in Los Angeles we decided to do a day at Disneyland. We had the best time, skipped Portia’s nap and stayed past dinner time. It was so magical that we decided to bail on some plans ( and some friends… sorry!) and do a second day before returning to NYC. We loved our two days so much that we are about to leave on a six night trip to Disney World this weekend!


Hermione Turning 5

While every one of my girl’s birthdays are special, Hermione 5th birthday was truly magical. There is something about five that makes it the best age (so far). She has turned into such a wonderful little girl and really is my best friend and the best company. To celebrate her big birthday we had a Unicorn Disco- far and away my favorite party I have planned to date.


Losing Maddy

This past year wasn’t without it’s major losses that brought me to my knees. In April we lost our beloved dog, Maddy. Fourteen years with my wonderful girl were nowhere near enough. I miss her every single day and still cannot believe she is gone.


Summer in Millbrook

For the first time the girls and I spent the entire summer upstate in Millbrook. It was magic. Two months in the countryside away from the rush of NYC ( and the Hamptons for that matter) were just what I needed to recalibrate. We swam. We hiked. We camped in the backyard. Hermione worked on her horseback riding and tennis. I ran tons and tons of miles on rolling Hudson Valley hills. It was heaven.


First Day of Kindergarten

In September Hermione started Kindergarten at the same school I went to as a girl. Her first day was so charged with emotion I literally ran all the way home with tears in my eyes. Her new school has been such a gift to her already I cannot wait to see what the rest of the year holds.


First Day of Preschool

Portia started preschool this year and in less than three months has grown so much from the experience. She is turning into such funny. smart little girl and sadly almost all traces of my baby are gone. She is loving school and all of the little friends she is making. Watching her develop her own relationships makes my heart swell.


My First Half

In October after 12 weeks of training I ran my first Half Marathon. It is an accomplishment I am endlessly proud of. I loved the experience so much I have signed up to run the NYC Half in March raising money for Every Mother Counts.


Saying Goodbye

As much as 2018 gave it also took away in spades. In November, after a 6 year battle very aggressive, incurable brain cancer we lost Doug’s father, Doug. Doug Sr. was the most wonderful man. Kind, loving, charitable and brilliant. He was an amazing father, father in law, husband, grandfather, friend, brother. In the twelve years I knew him I grew to love him very, very much. He has left a huge hole in our family and is so very missed.

12 Things I'm Looking Forward to this January ( and in 2019!)

12 Things I'm Looking Forward to this January ( and in 2019!)

Some Mom Advice- Mini Trees for Kids

Some Mom Advice- Mini Trees for Kids