
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Victoria Road- Fashion with a Purpose

Victoria Road- Fashion with a Purpose

These days raising two little girls comes with extra pressure. How do I teach them to be strong, independent, resourceful women in a world that doesn't always support that? How do I make sure they embrace diversity and treat everyone with kindness and respect? It's alot to think about. I try and have every choice I make support the kind of women I want my daughters to be. I let Hermione wear whatever she wants to school or at home. When she says she needs such and such on in order to be beautiful I always remind her that she is already beautiful and more importantly funny, smart and kind. I treat everyone we encounter with respect hoping they will follow my lead. I encourage her to not only play with princesses but also with super heroes. I love all parts of her fiercely and without judgement. 

I also try and make the choices of what businesses we support reflect our family values. Whenever possible I shop small and local and support business started women. 

One of my recent favorite discoveries for clothes for Hermione is Victoria Road, founded by  my friend ( and Hermione's buddies mom), Megan.

Inspired and fueled by the richness and talent found in Pakistani fashion and craft, Victoria Road discovers, supports and promotes designers, artisans, craftsmen and passionate entrepreneurs who are creating modern, sophisticated fashion inspired by their vibrant culture. Victoria Road is a Fair Trade company dedicated to respecting an inclusive supply chain from end-to-end, while respecting the local culture and markets within which they work. Instead of imposing their own design team, they collaborate with local designers creating globally accessible fashion inspired by their own cultural aesthetic and craft.

Victoria Road aims to disrupt the fashion supply chain by helping their design partners access high quality materials and finishing in small runs. They contribute to the local economy by directly employing a full-time in-house design, sourcing, skilled tailoring and logistics team based in Lahore, and by working with reputable mills and small-business suppliers, favoring socially conscious and women entrepreneurs. They minimize their carbon footprint by using locally made fabrics and by up-cycling scrap materials under their zero-waste workshop policy.

Sounds pretty amazing right? A company run by women supporting women artists and designers. Heck yeah! Well, they also make the cutest clothes! The other day I had Megan's daughters who happen to be Hermione's good friends over for a little fashion playdate. The girls had a blast trying on and playing in their Victoria Road dresses and jumpsuits. Anytime I can find gorgeous girls clothes that can also be played in I am thrilled!

I love everything about Victoria Road and what they stand for. In their own words:

We are about love.
We are about color.
We are about positivity.
We are about art and design.
We are about beauty in diversity.
We are about happiness in our own bodies.
We are about treating people with kindness and respect.

Our beliefs make us who we are,
But we respect and listen to others’ as well.
We are about dialogue.

Our world is a kaleidoscope of cultures, skin colors, shapes, ideas, faiths, ways of life.
We embrace all. 

Now, more than ever in our lifetimes, our choices matter. What we purchase, the clothes we wear, everything we own is made up of the stories of those who were a part of its creation. Let’s choose positively.

Now through May 13th use code MERCER20 on the Victoria Road website to get a special 20% off. Perfect for a little spring shopping for you and your mini. Hermione and I got these matching mommy and me jumpsuits which I cannot wait to wear! 




A Royally Fun Birthday

A Royally Fun Birthday

Somebunny is One

Somebunny is One