
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

World Vegan Day

World Vegan Day


Happy World Vegan Day! I can't think of a better day to come after Halloween. Whether you overindulged in candy or not, today is a great day to reset and get back to healthier, cleaner eating habits! As I am always saying, being healthy does not have to be hard work. You do not have to go on a 30 day juice cleanse in order to take good care of your body. If you focus your everyday diet around plant based foods you will find that you will be out of the "detox to retox" cycle. So get rid of all that candy ( here are some places to donate it ) and move on with your life. I promise, once it is gone you won't miss those bite size bars of sugary poison!

When it comes to plant based meals, squashes off all sorts are a winner for me. I love zucchini in the summer and sweet potatoes in the winter! Japanese yams are my favorite variety of sweet potato. Their flesh is so sweet that I often roast them as "cookies" and eat them for dessert! This recipe for Miso Roasted Japanese Yams has been a dinner staple in my house for a few falls. They are super easy to whip up and keep well for a day or two if you want them as leftovers ( delicious either hot or cold!) Enjoy!

Miso Roasted Japanese Yams

  • 2 medium japanese yams
  • 3 scallions diced
  • 3-4 T sweet white miso paste
  • 1-2 T water
  • 5 drops liquid stevia
  1. Preheat oven to 400
  2. Cut yams into 1" cubes
  3. In a small bowl combine the miso, stevia and water. The mixture should be a slightly thick yet still liquid. You may need to add more or less water to get the right consitency.
  4. Toss yams with the miso sauce and half of the scallions until throughly coated.
  5. Roast yams for 25-30 minutes until soft and slightly brown.
  6. Toss yams with remaining diced scallions before serving.
Easily Amused

Easily Amused

Happy Halloween