Park Days — Mercer + Green

Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Park Days


The weather has been so warm and gorgeous lately that unless Hermione is sleeping we have been in the park. We are lucky to live very close to Rockefeller Park in Battery Park City which has gorgeous fields and great playgrounds right on the Hudson River. Most afternoons we have been packing a picnic dinner and heading our after Hermione's nap to play and picnic. We don't come home until it's bedtime! In the bottom of our stroller I always keep a fun supply of park toys for Hermione to play with. Our favorites recently have been homemade "kites" fashioned from Sarah's Silks and sticks that we find laying around. I keep a bag of a few silks and sticks  ready to go so Hermione always has enough to share with her friends. We also keep a supply of magic wands on hand. This beautiful Sarah' Silks star wand has a super long, flowy tail and is a special favorite!

No park day would be complete without bubbles. Lots and lots of bubbles. We swear by the incredible, non toxic bubbles from our friends at Norman and Jules. We never, ever leave home without them. For her birthday Hermione's BFF gave her this gorgeous wooden bubble dish and wand set. It really ups our bubble game!

Here's to warm sunny park days!

xoxo Hermione and Mommy

Hermione's Dress: Bonpoint (similar style)

Hermione's shoes: Mini Melissa 

Seasonal Allergy Relief

Seasonal Allergy Relief

My Mother's Day

My Mother's Day