
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Snack Time

Hermione is a big snacker. She seems to always be nibbling on something. With all the activities she does everyday it's no wonder she needs to refuel in between meals. It's exhausting being a toddler! I am very specific about what Hermione eats and do not give her any processed foods or anything that typically qualifies as "kid's food." Her diet consists fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and some gluten free grains. Hermione loves the variety of whole foods she eats and she is the only toddler I have ever heard ask for "more kale"!

When it comes to snacks it can be challenging to find something that passes my test and keeps her interested. Hermione's snack tastes are constantly evolving but there has been one constant for the past year, Healing Homes Foods Almond Butter Chunk Granola, Fresh Herb Crackers and Graham Bites. She cannot get enough and I feel good giving them to her. It's a win win!

Shelly Schulz created Healing Homes Foods as a labor of love when her husband and son faced health crisis and needed to make dramatic dietary changes. All of her delicious creations are organic, gluten free, vegan and the nuts and seeds are soaked and sprouted to make them easier to digest.

We go through these snacks so quickly (Doug and I love them too!) that I order them 12 bags at a time from their store in Pound Ridge, NY. However, if you are not a snack hoarder like me you can also pick up a bag at Hu Kitchen or other locations around NYC.

Happy Snacking!

xoxo Hermione and Mommy

Easy Electrolyte Drink

Easy Electrolyte Drink

Easter Bunny