
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Kiwi Guacamole

Kiwi Guacamole


I am not one to turn down a challenge, self inflicted or otherwise. In general if I set my mind to something I can get it done. Quit chocolate for a bit? No problem. Commit to exercising 6 times a week? Done. Get more sleep? Difficult (due to my love affair with my DVR and sub-par television) but doable. The same applies to my recipe creation. I love challenging myself with new ingredients and new ideas.

Recently, a friends produce order got messed up and she was sent kiwis instead of limes. Not knowing what to do with all of her kiwis she offered me a bunch to experiment with. I happily took them although I am not a regular kiwi eater. I prefer to stick to apples in the fall and winter and berries in the summer. Mostly out of personal taste and partially out of their lower sugar content.

When I received my gifted kiwis I knew I wanted to do more with them than just eat them plain. After having great success with my Pomegranate Guacamole this winter I had a hunch kiwis would also make a great addition to my favorite dish. If you ask me guacamole is the perfect food, especially when it is served inside a crisp romaine leaf. Yum! In this version the sweet tartness of the kiwis perfectly compliments the spicy jalepeno and creamy avocado. This recipe would also be great with pineapple or any other sweet tart tropical fruit!

Kiwi Guacamole

  • 2 kiwis peeled and diced
  • 2 avocados
  • 1 T diced jalepeno
  • 3 T fresh lime juice
  • 2 T cilantro chopped
  • 1T green onion chopped
  1. In a medium bowl combine all the ingredients
  2. Using a fork mash everything together until fully combined yet slightly chunky
  3. Adjust to taste adding more jalepeno, cilantro, or green onion
  4. Serve immediatly
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