
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Reade St. Cups!!!

Reade St. Cups!!!


I am thrilled to introduce my Reade St. Cup in collaboration with Fleetwood Floral x AED. My goal with this collaboration was to create a cup that would be used constantly for everything from water, to wine to cocktails. I fully believe dress up does not have to be relegated to special occasions and that includes drink ware! These gorgeous, hand crated cups were inspired by spring, the cherry blossoms that bloom on my street and my love of all things pink! They have truly been a joy to create and I hope they find a well loved place in your home.

My idea for this collaboration grew out of one of my many creative conversations with Molly of Fleetwood Floral. After I bought her and Alix’s Bliss Street Bud Vases for everyone on my holiday list I was hooked on the gorgeous hand blown glass vessels they were creating together. I asked them about the possibility of creating a cup together and the rest is herstory!


A little more about Alix and Molly:

Alix has been blowing glass for 8 years and loves the intersection of the art and physicality of it. The techniques are always interesting to her and she loves making things that people can use everyday. Alix and Molly met 5 years ago at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. During COVID times the two were brought together by a desire to create together. Molly needed vessels for her floral designs, Alix was making vessels. The partnership was natural. They work at Brooklyn Glass, have their own line of goods and are always looking for the next creative collaboration.

The Reade St. cups are sold in sets of two and can be purchased at Fleetwood Floral and AED.

Baking with Mini Melanie

What I've Learned- Reflections on a Pandemic Year

What I've Learned- Reflections on a Pandemic Year