
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

For My Mom Squad

For My Mom Squad

When I first became a mom I felt lonely and isolated. I was one of the first of my close friends to have a baby leaving me without an immediate, built in mommy social life. The first year of Hermione's life was wonderful but also very hard for me. We did alot of things just the two of us. It took me awhile to find my mom tribe. I remember seeing groups of moms and babies in the park and feeling jealous that I hadn't found my "perfect playgroup" yet.  At one point during Hermione's first winter I even wanted to move out of our neighborhood because I was convinced there were no mommy friends for me here. Boy am I grateful we stayed. 

Sometime after Hermione turned one I started to find my people. One post music class playdate led to another, led to a dinner picnic in the park. One close mommy friend turned to two turned to six turned to eight turned to too many to count.

Now, five years into mommy hood I truly have been blessed with amazing mom friends. Scratch that. Friends. These women that I met at baby music class, the playground or around the neighborhood have become my dearest and most trusted friends. We have shared so much from first steps, to dance recitals, to starting preschool to the birth of little siblings. Their children are my children's closest and oldest friends. Even though we are all at different schools and one of us moved out of NYC we still have an ease with each other that I didn't know was possible with friends made as an adult. Mom life can be hard and emotionally exausting but my incredible mom friends truly do make it easier. 

This Mother's Day I wanted to give every special woman in my mom tribe a little something to let them know how much I adore and value them. Every mom loves a good tote bag and this Ulla Johnson x FEED one is right on target. Each bag provide 10 school meals and $1 to Every Mother Counts.  Inside each bag I am tucking a copy of this beautiful and inspiring book by Kimothy Joy. I have a copy myself and love reading a few pages each night when my spirit needs bolstering. 


Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and mother figures out there!



Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye

5 Years Ago

5 Years Ago