
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Art to Go

Art to Go

Hermione loves doing art projects. From coloring to play doh to making puppets she has a real creative spirit and is always making something. When we are traveling it is not always easy to decide which art supplies to bring with us. For airplane trips, restaurants and down time in the hotel room after a log day at the pool I like to have a few curated supplies for her to work with.  

When Portia was born last spring a good friend gave Hermione the most amazing "big sister" gift. A perfectly packed lunch box full of art supplies! I cannot say how many times we have reached for this box on our way out the door. It comes in every suitcase, to every restaurant, on every car trip. We have replenished the supplies countless times and now give similar boxes to Hermione's friends as birthday gifts. 


The box itself is an adorable personalized lunch box from 3LittleFlowers on Etsy. She also has lots of other adorable designs like this ballerina one!

Inside we keep the box packed with blank note cards, craft jewels, washi tape, stickers, mini crayons, mini markers, and a cool multicolor pen

You can really fill this kind of art box with anything but I find supplies to decorate note cards to be the most useful and least messy. When we bring the box to dinner dates with Hermione's friends they alll love making cards for each other! 

As I start to pack for our spring break trip ( more on that coming soon!) I know for sure this art box will be going in my suitcase!



Packing for Three

Packing for Three

Good On Everything

Good On Everything