
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Preschool Graduate

Preschool Graduate


A little less than three years ago a very nervous 2.5 year old girl started preschool. She was so scared she tried to run out of the classroom and then out of the school on her first day. She tearfully clung to her mommy and made her stay for almost three weeks of "phase in." Slowly, slowly that little girl came out of her shell. Today she is a fierce, independent leader and officially a preschool graduate!!!

As Hermione leaves her preschool days behind and gears up for Kindergarten I find myself incredibly emotional. This past month has been and endless stream of "lasts." Last sweet Montessori style birthday celebration. Last preschool field trip. Last turn as snack leader. Last preschool drop off. And finally, the last time I will wait in line inside her classroom to pick her up. 

Hermione's school is truly a magical place. She has made lifelong friends and Doug and I truly found our community amongst the parents. While we still have three more years at our wonderful school (Portia starts in September), I can't help but feel this is the end of an era.

Next year school will be much different for Hermione. Instead of walking two blocks from our home (often with Portia in tow) she and I will be commuting uptown on the subway bright and early. I won't be packing her lunch anymore, she will eat in the cafeteria like a big girl. I won't get to walk her into her classroom, I will drop her off in the lobby. 

Watching Hermione blossom these past three years at preschool has been such a gift. She has turned from a tiny toddler to a full blown young lady before my eyes. She has learned how to be a kind and compassionate friend. She has created a social life for herself independent of Doug and I. She has become brave, inquisitive, independent.

As we say goodbye to her preschool days I can't wait to see what Kindergarten has in store. Well, maybe I can. First, I want to enjoy a long summer with my best girl before the school year starts up all over again!



12 Things I'm Looking Forward to This September

12 Things I'm Looking Forward to This September

How to Actually Enjoy Disney with Little Kids. It's Possible!

How to Actually Enjoy Disney with Little Kids. It's Possible!