
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Here We Go Again, Remote Learning

Here We Go Again, Remote Learning


Last week like most children in this country, Hermione started 2nd Grade. Remotely. We had hoped she would be back at her beloved school in person this fall but they have decided they are not quite ready for that yet. Hopefully soon but not yet. So here we are. Hermione is back to learning in her bedroom, and I am back to trying to make it fun not sad for her. 

Unlike last spring when remote learning was thrust upon us, this time we feel much more prepared. For one thing Doug is returning to his office and Portia will be in school (full day, in person!). The feeling in our apartment will be much calmer and quieter with just the two of us home. No more trying to keep a four year old out of Hermione's room while she works. No more splitting my time between Barbies and math work. 

Another big difference between last spring and this fall is that Hermione now has to wear her uniform for remote school. When I first heard this I did a spit take! Really? Her uniform? In front of an iPad? In her bedroom? However the more I thought about it the more it makes sense. Similar to me ditching my tie dyed sweats for dresses, trading in her crop tops and bike shorts for her uniform should help Hermione focus and get in a school mentality. This also means no makeup or hair dye for school this fall, which again I think will help her take the work seriously. 

Last spring Hermione didn't have a dedicated work space for school. She floated between the kitchen counter, dining table and a makeshift table in her bedroom. For this fall I have ordered her a deskdesk chair and some cute yet functional accessories for it. I am hoping that having a special work space will make remote school seem more exciting. Of course like everything else right now her desk and chair are backordered! So until those arrive I will be moving our art table in and out of her room each day. Hey, it's the thought that counts right?

Since Hermione will be sitting in her room in front of a screen most of the day I am making a huge effort to get her moving, outside and around other kids as much as possible. While the weather is still nice we will be packing a picnic and taking it to the park during her lunch break. After school I have signed her up for as many in person dance classes and activities as possible. We will also be doing plenty of playdates so she can see her friends not just on a screen. 

From what I have seen so far the majority of the remote school year will focus on core academics and not so much the specials that Hermione is used to getting. So I am supplementing with our own specials! I have enlisted some of my very talented friends to teach her floral design, photography and other topics that Hermione is really into. 

The other night while laying in bed chatting I told Hermione I was feeling sad that she wasn't in school with her teachers and friends and had to be at home with me. Her reply? "You don't want me at home with you Mama?" I guess I must be doing something right?

Where We Are Eating, Drinking and Dancing Right Now

Where We Are Eating, Drinking and Dancing Right Now

Mercer  + Green x Alice and Hops Fall Collection

Mercer + Green x Alice and Hops Fall Collection