Sibling Stories — Mercer + Green

Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Sibling Stories

Sibling Stories

Storytime is big in our house. Besides the obvious stories at bedtime Hermione is always asking to cuddle up with a book (or four!) on the couch and read together. She has quite the extensive library.  I try to constantly rotate the books on her shelves to keep her exploring new themes, characters and ideas.

Before Portia was born I tried to find books on siblings and sisters in particular to read to Hermione. As an only child I was worried she would resent and feel jealous of her sister. I wanted to help her understand just how special having a sister would be and what her new role as big sister meant. Luckily it turned out that all of my fears were unfounded as Hermione is the sweetest, most doting, loving, caring big sister ever. 

Now the books we have about sisters are some of her most loved , and are very often requested! Here are four of our absolute favorites!

Maple by Lori Nichols

Before  Maple was born her parents planted a tree in her honor. As Maple grows, so does her tree. She loves to play with her tree but Maple sometimes wishes she had someone else to play with. One day she is surprised to find a new tree growing…and a new baby on the way! When her baby sister gets upset Maple and her tree know just how to help.

I love the simplicity of this book and how it shows Maple being a kind, loving sister. It reminds me a lot of Hermione and how she will do anything to make sure Portia is happy and taken care of.

Maple and Willow Together by Lori Nichols

Maple and her little sister Willow love each other very much and are great playmates. But big sisters can be bossy and little sisters can be frustrating. Sometimes they need a break from each other but they always come back together.

Even baby Portia sometimes needs her space and a break from her crazy big sister. This book has helped Hermione learn that even when Portia needs some space she still adores her sister. That love never goes away. 

Wolfie the Bunny by Ame Dyckman

When the Bunny family adopts a baby wolf Dot is a bit skeptical. She doesn't like all the attention the baby is getting and worries her new brother will "eat them all up." When Wolfie is threatened Dot rises to the occasion and protect her "little" brother. 

Ame visted Hermione's school last year and read to the kids. I have been in love with her witty writing and sweet message ever since!  Just like Dot, Hermione is always the first to come to Portia's aid!

Chloe, Instead by Michael Player

Molly always wanted a little sister just like her. But she got Chloe instead. Chloe is Molly's opposite in every way. She likes to eat, not color with crayons. She prefers dancing to playing the piano. This sweet book about sibling love helps convince big (sopinionated) sibling how much fun a little sibling can be!

So far Hermione loves everything Portia does but I can see a day coming when she will get frustrated by her sister's differences. Being three years apart it will be awhile before they can really play together at the same level but I hope Hermione will continue to love playing with her baby sister regardless!

Book Worm

Book Worm

Underwear for Babies

Underwear for Babies