Smoothie Party — Mercer + Green

Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Smoothie Party

Smoothie Party


Once a month I host a Clean, Pure and Simple Party at my home. These parties are a great way for me to get together with friends, teach them new recipes, introduce them to my favorite beauty products, or let them talk with some of my favorite wellness experts. It’s a live version of my blog with wine and great conversation!

This month’s party was all about smoothies. I got to test out some new concoctions, and share some old favorites. Smoothies are so easy I was able to make them in big batches quickly and serve samples to each of my guests. At first, most were skeptical that they would leave my house hungry and need to have dinner later on. I am happy to report that every person commented on how satisfied and full they felt at the end of the night. No late night dinners required!

I usually have a green smoothie for lunch each day. They are easy to make, packed with plant-based nutrition and the blender does a lot of pre-digesting for me. I feel less weighed down and full than if  I had chewed everything that went into my blender. I always make sure to put a big handful or two of dark greens into every smoothie I make. Adding extra greens here and there insures that I am getting all the calcium, iron and protein that I need. Oftentimes I can’t even taste the kale in one of these sweet concoctions. Not that I dislike the taste of kale. I LOVE KALE.

Over the next two weeks I will be posting all of the recipes from my smoothie party so you can try them for yourself.

This first one was the hands down favorite. Who doesn’t like chocolate and mint paired together? Unlike a peppermint patty, this will not load you up with sugar but instead will fill you full of kaley, minty, chocolaty goodness.

Mint Chip Smoothie

  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 3-4 stalks of kale rib removed
  • ¼ of an avocado
  • 2 T cacao nibs
  • ¼ tsp mint extract
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 15-20 drops liquid stevia

Combine all ingredients in a Vitamix or high-speed blender

Adjust sweetness to taste by adding more stevia if necessary.

Beachside Smoothie

Beachside Smoothie

My Kind of Superbowl

My Kind of Superbowl