My Kind of Superbowl — Mercer + Green

Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

My Kind of Superbowl

My Kind of Superbowl


Who doesn’t love a Superbowl party? Even if you are not a football fan, everyone I know loves watching the game with a bunch of friends, food, and drinks. Before Doug and I started dating I was not a huge sports fan. I’m still not. However it's hard not to care just a little when you are married to a die-hard Boston fan. Doug has called NYC home since he was 15, but those Boston roots are incredibly strong. Once a Red Sox-Celtics-Patriots fan, always a Red Sox-Celtics-Patriots fan.

Last year the Superbowl was the day after our wedding. We had big plans to turn our post wedding brunch into a huge Superbowl party complete with tv’s, paraphernalia etc. etc. When it became clear the Patriots were not making it into lasts years game Doug was a little (a lot) crushed.

Fast forward to this year's game. The Patriots are playing the Giants on our first wedding anniversary. Quite a way to celebrate a year of wedded bliss! Since we will be in the Turks and Caicos on an anniversary trip will not be hosting a party this year. However, Doug managed to find a Boston sports bar (run by a Boston transplant) in TCI to watch the game. A Boston bar on the beach and a possible Patriots Superbowl win? My husband may just die from happiness.

If we were hosting a party you can be sure the snacks would all be healthful. Just because it's the Superbowl does not mean you have to load up on greasy, fatty food that will make you feel terrible and sluggish for days to come. Here are my suggestions for a delicious Superbowl party that will leave your guests satisfied but not weighed down. Hey, they might not even miss this wings!

Here’s to healthful Superbowl parties and a win for the Patriots! I can't think of a better anniversary gift for Doug.

Eggplant Truffle Fries 

These "fries" are salty, satifying and perfect for dipping.

  • 1 eggplant
  • ½ T coconut oil
  • 1 tsp truffle salt
  1. Pre heat oven to 350
  2. Cut eggplant into ½” rounds
  3. Square of the sides of each round and cut into “fry like” pieces
  4. In a bowl toss eggplant pieces with the coconut oil and truffle salt
  5. Spread eggplant in a single layer on a baking sheet lined in parchment paper
  6. Bake at 350 for 20-25 minuets until slightly browned.
  7. Serve with organic mustard, pesto or dip of choice!

Pesto Stuffed Mushroom Bites

Any extra pesto from these can be used as a dip for your Eggplant Fries!

Pomegranate Gucamole

Guac and football are the perfect combination, especially for a girl who got married Superbowl weekend in Mexico.

Sundried Tomato and Olive Tapanade

This tapanade is great on it's own, on sliced raw veggies, or as a dip for your Eggplant Fries!

Black Truffle Salted Almond Bark

These are a great chocolate covered pretzel stand in. Salty and sweet. Yum.

Salted Chocolate Almond Cups

Who needs Reeses? Warning: these are slightly addictive!

Yam Cookies

Cookies that are good for you? Touchdown!

Smoothie Party

Smoothie Party

All Natural Solution for the Frizzies! (and dry skin too)

All Natural Solution for the Frizzies! (and dry skin too)