Spooky Reads

When you have little kids Halloween is a month long celebration. We have been building up to the big night by reading some spooky (and not so spooky) books at bedtime. Here are a few of Hermione and Portia's favorite Halloween reads!

On Sisters

Before we decided to have a second baby and all throughout my pregnancy I was terrified about how a sibling would effect Hermione. She always seemed like such an only child to me.

My Everyday Necklaces

I used to be a huge statement jewelry person. I had a huge collection of costume pieces that I would wear all the time, not just on special occasions. While I loved these bold pieces at the time over the year's my taste has become a bit simpler

Art to Go

Hermione loves doing art projects. From coloring to play doh to making puppets she has a real creative spirit and is always making something. When we are traveling it is not always easy to decide which art supplies to bring with us. For airplane trips, restaurants and down time in the hotel room after a log day at the pool I like to have a few curated supplies for her to work with.

Good On Everything

I have dry skin. Take a dry NYC winter, add a serving of exclusively breastfeeding and you have a recipe for parched skin. I drink a ton of water everyday, eat water rich foods, take internal oils and still my skin skews dry.